.. _getting_started: Getting Started ================ Welcome! This page aims to help you gain a foundational understanding of rioxarray. rio accessor ------------- rioxarray `extends xarray `__ with the `rio` accessor. The `rio` accessor is activated by importing rioxarray like so: .. code-block:: python import rioxarray You can learn how to `clip`, `merge`, and `reproject` rasters in the :ref:`usage_examples` section of the documentation. Need to export to a raster (GeoTiff)? There is an example for that as well. Reading Files ------------- xarray ~~~~~~~ Since `rioxarray` is an extension of `xarray`, you can load in files using the standard `xarray` open methods. If you use one of xarray's open methods such as ``xarray.open_dataset`` to load netCDF files with the default engine, it is recommended to use `decode_coords="all"`. This will load the grid mapping variable into coordinates for compatibility with rioxarray. .. code-block:: python import xarray xds = xarray.open_dataset("file.nc", decode_coords="all") rioxarray ~~~~~~~~~~ rioxarray 0.4+ enables passing `engine="rasterio"` to ``xarray.open_dataset`` and ``xarray.open_mfdataset`` for xarray 0.18+. This uses :func:`rioxarray.open_rasterio` as the backend and always returns an ``xarray.Dataset``. .. code-block:: python import xarray xds = xarray.open_dataset("my.tif", engine="rasterio") You can also use :func:`rioxarray.open_rasterio`. This objects returned depend on your input file type. .. code-block:: python import rioxarray xds = rioxarray.open_rasterio("my.tif") Why use :func:`rioxarray.open_rasterio` instead of `xarray.open_rasterio`? 1. It supports multidimensional datasets such as netCDF. 2. It stores the CRS as a WKT, which is the recommended format (`PROJ FAQ `__). 3. It loads in the CRS, transform, and nodata metadata in standard CF & GDAL locations. 4. It supports masking and scaling data with the `masked` and `mask_and_scale` kwargs. 5. It adds the coordinate axis CF metadata. 6. It loads raster metadata into the attributes. 7. `xarray.open_rasterio` is deprecated (since v0.20.0) Introductory Information -------------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 crs_management.ipynb nodata_management.ipynb manage_information_loss.ipynb