Source code for rioxarray.merge

This module allows you to merge xarray Datasets/DataArrays
geospatially with the `rasterio.merge` module.

from import Sequence
from typing import Callable, Optional, Union

import numpy
from import CRS
from import MemoryFile
from rasterio.merge import merge as _rio_merge
from xarray import DataArray, Dataset

from rioxarray.rioxarray import _get_nonspatial_coords, _make_coords

class RasterioDatasetDuck:
    This class is to provide the attributes and methods necessary
    to make the :func:`rasterio.merge.merge` function think that
    the :obj:`xarray.DataArray` is a :obj:``.

    # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes

    def __init__(self, xds: DataArray):
        self._xds = xds =
        self.bounds =
        self.count = int(
        self.dtypes = [xds.dtype] =
        self.nodatavals = []
        res =
        self.res = (abs(res[0]), abs(res[1]))
        self.transform =
        # profile is only used for writing to a file.
        # This never happens with rioxarray merge.
        self.profile: dict = {}

    def colormap(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
        colormap is only used for writing to a file.
        This never happens with rioxarray merge.
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        return None

    def read(self, *args, **kwargs) ->
        This method is meant to be used by the rasterio.merge.merge function.
        with MemoryFile() as memfile:
            ) as dataset:
                data = self._xds.values
                if data.ndim == 2:
                    dataset.write(data, 1)
                return*args, **kwargs)

[docs] def merge_arrays( dataarrays: Sequence[DataArray], bounds: Optional[tuple] = None, res: Optional[tuple] = None, nodata: Optional[float] = None, precision: Optional[float] = None, method: Union[str, Callable, None] = None, crs: Optional[CRS] = None, parse_coordinates: bool = True, ) -> DataArray: """ Merge data arrays geospatially. Uses :func:`rasterio.merge.merge` .. versionadded:: 0.2 crs Parameters ---------- dataarrays: list[xarray.DataArray] List of xarray.DataArray's with all geo attributes. The first one is assumed to have the same CRS, dtype, and dimensions as the others in the array. bounds: tuple, optional Bounds of the output image (left, bottom, right, top). If not set, bounds are determined from bounds of input DataArrays. res: tuple, optional Output resolution in units of coordinate reference system. If not set, the resolution of the first DataArray is used. If a single value is passed, output pixels will be square. nodata: float, optional nodata value to use in output file. If not set, uses the nodata value in the first input DataArray. precision: float, optional Number of decimal points of precision when computing inverse transform. method: str or callable, optional See :func:`rasterio.merge.merge` for details. crs:, optional Output CRS. If not set, the CRS of the first DataArray is used. parse_coordinates: bool, optional If False, it will disable loading spatial coordinates. Returns ------- :obj:`xarray.DataArray`: The geospatially merged data. """ input_kwargs = { "bounds": bounds, "res": res, "nodata": nodata, "precision": precision, "method": method, } if crs is None: crs = dataarrays[0] if res is None: res = tuple(abs(res_val) for res_val in dataarrays[0].rio.resolution()) # prepare the duck arrays rioduckarrays = [] for dataarray in dataarrays: da_res = tuple(abs(res_val) for res_val in if da_res != res or != crs: rioduckarrays.append( RasterioDatasetDuck(, resolution=res) ) ) else: rioduckarrays.append(RasterioDatasetDuck(dataarray)) # use rasterio to merge merged_data, merged_transform = _rio_merge( rioduckarrays, **{key: val for key, val in input_kwargs.items() if val is not None}, ) # generate merged data array representative_array = rioduckarrays[0]._xds if parse_coordinates: coords = _make_coords( representative_array, merged_transform, merged_data.shape[-1], merged_data.shape[-2], ) else: coords = _get_nonspatial_coords(representative_array) # make sure the output merged data shape is 2D if the # original data was 2D. this can happen if the # xarray datasarray was squeezed. if len(merged_data.shape) == 3 and len(representative_array.shape) == 2: merged_data = merged_data.squeeze() xda = DataArray(, data=merged_data, coords=coords, dims=tuple(representative_array.dims), attrs=representative_array.attrs, ) nodata if nodata is not None else, inplace=True ), inplace=True), inplace=True) return xda
[docs] def merge_datasets( datasets: Sequence[Dataset], bounds: Optional[tuple] = None, res: Optional[tuple] = None, nodata: Optional[float] = None, precision: Optional[float] = None, method: Union[str, Callable, None] = None, crs: Optional[CRS] = None, ) -> Dataset: """ Merge datasets geospatially. Uses :func:`rasterio.merge.merge` .. versionadded:: 0.2 crs Parameters ---------- datasets: list[xarray.Dataset] List of xarray.Dataset's with all geo attributes. The first one is assumed to have the same CRS, dtype, dimensions, and data_vars as the others in the array. bounds: tuple, optional Bounds of the output image (left, bottom, right, top). If not set, bounds are determined from bounds of input Dataset. res: tuple, optional Output resolution in units of coordinate reference system. If not set, the resolution of the first Dataset is used. If a single value is passed, output pixels will be square. nodata: float, optional nodata value to use in output file. If not set, uses the nodata value in the first input Dataset. precision: float, optional Number of decimal points of precision when computing inverse transform. method: str or callable, optional See rasterio docs. crs:, optional Output CRS. If not set, the CRS of the first DataArray is used. Returns ------- :obj:`xarray.Dataset`: The geospatially merged data. """ representative_ds = datasets[0] merged_data = {} for data_var in representative_ds.data_vars: merged_data[data_var] = merge_arrays( [dataset[data_var] for dataset in datasets], bounds=bounds, res=res, nodata=nodata, precision=precision, method=method, crs=crs, parse_coordinates=False, ) data_var = list(representative_ds.data_vars)[0] xds = Dataset( merged_data, coords=_make_coords( merged_data[data_var], merged_data[data_var].rio.transform(), merged_data[data_var].shape[-1], merged_data[data_var].shape[-2], force_generate=True, ), attrs=representative_ds.attrs, )[data_var], inplace=True) return xds