This contains exceptions for rioxarray.
class RioXarrayError(RuntimeError):
"""This is the base exception for errors in the rioxarray extension."""
class NoDataInBounds(RioXarrayError):
"""This is for when there are no data in the bounds for clipping a raster."""
class SingleVariableDataset(RioXarrayError):
"""This is for when you have a dataset with a single variable."""
class DimensionError(RioXarrayError):
"""This is raised when there are more dimensions than is supported by the method"""
class MissingSpatialDimensionError(DimensionError):
"""This is raised when the dimension cannot be found"""
class TooManyDimensions(DimensionError):
"""This is raised when there are more dimensions than is supported by the method"""
class InvalidDimensionOrder(DimensionError):
"""This is raised when there the dimensions are not ordered correctly."""
class OneDimensionalRaster(DimensionError):
"""This is an error when you have a 1 dimensional raster."""
class DimensionMissingCoordinateError(RioXarrayError):
"""This is raised when the dimension does not have the supporting coordinate."""
class MissingCRS(RioXarrayError):
"""Missing the CRS in the dataset."""