Source code for geocube.rasterize

This module contains tools for rasterizing vector data.
from typing import Optional, Union

import geopandas
import numpy
import odc.geo.geobox
import pandas
import rasterio
import rasterio.features
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from packaging import version
from rasterio.enums import MergeAlg
from scipy.interpolate import Rbf, griddata

_INT8_SUPPORTED = version.parse(rasterio.__gdal_version__) >= version.parse(
) and version.parse(rasterio.__version__) >= version.parse("1.3.7")

def _is_numeric(data_values: NDArray) -> bool:
    Check if array data type is numeric.
    return numpy.issubdtype(data_values.dtype.type, numpy.number)

def _remove_missing_data(
    data_values: NDArray,
    geometry_array: geopandas.GeoSeries,
) -> tuple[NDArray, geopandas.GeoSeries]:
    Missing data causes issues with interpolation of point data

    This filters the data so those issues don't cause problems.
    not_missing_data = ~pandas.isnull(data_values)
    geometry_array = geometry_array[not_missing_data]
    data_values = data_values[not_missing_data]
    return data_values, geometry_array

def _minimize_dtype(dtype: numpy.dtype, fill: float) -> numpy.dtype:
    If int64, convert to float64:

    Attempt to convert to float32 if fill is NaN and dtype is integer.
    if numpy.issubdtype(dtype, numpy.integer):
        if not _INT8_SUPPORTED and == "int8":
            # GDAL<3.7/rasterio<1.3.7 doesn't support int8
            dtype = numpy.dtype("int16")
        if numpy.isnan(fill):
            dtype = (
                numpy.dtype("float64") if dtype.itemsize > 2 else numpy.dtype("float32")  # type: ignore
    elif not numpy.issubdtype(dtype, numpy.floating):
        # default to float64 for non-integer/float types
        dtype = numpy.dtype("float64")
    return dtype

[docs] def rasterize_image( geometry_array: geopandas.GeoSeries, data_values: Union[NDArray, pandas.arrays.IntegerArray], geobox: odc.geo.geobox.GeoBox, fill: float, merge_alg: MergeAlg = MergeAlg.replace, filter_nan: bool = False, all_touched: bool = False, **ignored_kwargs, ) -> Optional[NDArray]: """ Rasterize a list of shapes+values for a given GeoBox. Parameters ----------- geometry_array: geopandas.GeoSeries A geometry array of points. data_values: Union[NDArray, pandas.arrays.IntegerArray] Data values associated with the list of geojson shapes geobox: :obj:`odc.geo.geobox.GeoBox` Transform of the resulting image. fill: float The value to fill in the grid with for nodata. merge_alg: `rasterio.enums.MergeAlg`, optional The algorithm for merging values into one cell. Default is `MergeAlg.replace`. filter_nan: bool, optional If True, will remove nodata values from the data before rasterization. Default is False. all_touched: bool, optional Passed to rasterio.features.rasterize. If True, all pixels touched by geometries will be burned in. If false, only pixels whose center is within the polygon or that are selected by Bresenham’s line algorithm will be burned in. **ignored_kwargs: These are there to be flexible with additional rasterization methods and will be ignored. Returns ------- :obj:`numpy.ndarray` or None The vector data in the rasterized format. """ if not _is_numeric(data_values): # only numbers can be rasterized return None if isinstance(data_values, pandas.arrays.IntegerArray): data_values = data_values.to_numpy( dtype=_minimize_dtype(data_values.dtype.numpy_dtype, fill), na_value=fill, ) if filter_nan: data_values, geometry_array = _remove_missing_data(data_values, geometry_array) image = rasterio.features.rasterize( zip(geometry_array.values, data_values), out_shape=(geobox.height, geobox.width), transform=geobox.affine, fill=fill, all_touched=all_touched, merge_alg=merge_alg, dtype=_minimize_dtype(data_values.dtype, fill), ) return image
[docs] def rasterize_points_griddata( geometry_array: geopandas.GeoSeries, data_values: NDArray, grid_coords: dict[str, NDArray], fill: float, method: str = "nearest", rescale: bool = False, filter_nan: bool = False, **ignored_kwargs, ) -> Optional[NDArray]: """ This method uses scipy.interpolate.griddata to interpolate point data to a grid. Parameters ---------- geometry_array: geopandas.GeoSeries A geometry array of points. data_values: list Data values associated with the list of geojson shapes grid_coords: dict Output from `rioxarray.rioxarray.affine_to_coords` fill: float The value to fill in the grid with for nodata. method: {'linear', 'nearest', 'cubic'}, optional The method to use for interpolation in `scipy.interpolate.griddata`. rescale: bool, optional Rescale points to unit cube before performing interpolation. Default is false. filter_nan: bool, optional If True, will remove nodata values from the data before rasterization. Default is False. **ignored_kwargs: These are there to be flexible with additional rasterization methods and will be ignored. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray`: An interpolated :class:`numpy.ndarray`. """ if not _is_numeric(data_values): # only numbers can be rasterized return None if filter_nan: data_values, geometry_array = _remove_missing_data(data_values, geometry_array) return griddata( points=(geometry_array.x, geometry_array.y), values=data_values, xi=tuple(numpy.meshgrid(grid_coords["x"], grid_coords["y"])), method=method, fill_value=fill, rescale=rescale, )
[docs] def rasterize_points_radial( geometry_array: geopandas.GeoSeries, data_values: NDArray, grid_coords: dict[str, NDArray], method: str = "linear", filter_nan=False, **ignored_kwargs, ) -> Optional[NDArray]: """ This method uses scipy.interpolate.Rbf to interpolate point data to a grid. Parameters ---------- geometry_array: geopandas.GeoSeries A geometry array of points. data_values: list Data values associated with the list of geojson shapes grid_coords: dict Output from `rioxarray.rioxarray.affine_to_coords` method: str, optional The function to use for interpolation in `scipy.interpolate.Rbf`. {'multiquadric', 'inverse', 'gaussian', 'linear', 'cubic', 'quintic', 'thin_plate'} filter_nan: bool, optional If True, will remove nodata values from the data before rasterization. Default is False. **ignored_kwargs: These are there to be flexible with additional rasterization methods and will be ignored. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray`: An interpolated :class:`numpy.ndarray`. """ if not _is_numeric(data_values): # only numbers can be rasterized return None if filter_nan: data_values, geometry_array = _remove_missing_data(data_values, geometry_array) interp = Rbf(geometry_array.x, geometry_array.y, data_values, function=method) return interp(*numpy.meshgrid(grid_coords["x"], grid_coords["y"]))