Source code for geocube.api.core

GeoCube client core functionality
import os
from import Iterable
from typing import Any, Callable, Literal, Optional, Union

import geopandas
import numpy
import shapely
import xarray
from odc.geo.geom import Geometry

from geocube.geo_utils.geobox import GeoBoxMaker
from geocube.vector_to_cube import VectorToCube

[docs] def make_geocube( vector_data: Union[str, os.PathLike, geopandas.GeoDataFrame], measurements: Optional[list[str]] = None, datetime_measurements: Optional[list[str]] = None, output_crs: Any = None, resolution: Optional[Union[float, Iterable[float]]] = None, align: Optional[tuple[float, float]] = None, geom: Optional[ Union[str, dict, shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry, Geometry] ] = None, like: Optional[Union[xarray.Dataset, xarray.DataArray]] = None, fill: float = numpy.nan, group_by: Optional[str] = None, interpolate_na_method: Optional[Literal["linear", "nearest", "cubic"]] = None, categorical_enums: Optional[dict[str, list]] = None, rasterize_function: Optional[Callable[..., Optional[numpy.typing.NDArray]]] = None, ) -> xarray.Dataset: """ Rasterize vector data into an ``xarray`` object. Each attribute will be a data variable in the :class:`xarray.Dataset`. Parameters ---------- vector_data: str, path-like object or :obj:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` A file path to an OGR supported source or GeoDataFrame containing the vector data. measurements: list(str), optional Attributes name or list of names to be included. If a list is specified, the attributes will be returned in the order requested. By default all available attributes are included. datetime_measurements: list(str), optional Attributes that are temporal in nature and should be converted to the datetime format. These are only included if listed in 'measurements'. output_crs: Any, optional The CRS of the returned data. Can be anything accepted by :obj:`pyproj.CRS`. If no CRS is supplied, the CRS of the stored data is used. resolution: Union[float, Iterable[float]], optional A tuple of the spatial resolution of the returned data (Y, X). This includes the direction (as indicated by a positive or negative number). Typically when using most CRSs, the first number would be negative. align: tuple[float, float], optional Load data such that point 'align' lies on the pixel boundary. Units are in the co-ordinate space of the output CRS. Default is (0,0) geom: Union[str, dict, shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry, odc.geo.geom.Geometry], optional A GeoJSON string for the bounding box of the data used to construct the grid. It defaults to EPSG:4326 if a CRS is not provided. Example of adding CRS:: {"type": "Polygon", "crs": {"properties": {"name": "EPSG:3857"}}} like: :obj:`xarray.Dataset`, optional Uses the output of a previous ``load()`` to form the basis of a request for another product. E.g.:: gcds = make_geocube(vector_data='my_vector.geopackage', like=other_gcds) fill: float, optional The value to fill in the grid with for nodata. Default is NaN. group_by: str, optional When specified, perform basic combining/reducing of the data on this column. interpolate_na_method: {'linear', 'nearest', 'cubic'}, optional This is the method for interpolation to use to fill in the nodata with :meth:`scipy.interpolate.griddata`. categorical_enums: dict, optional A dictionary of all categories for the table columns containing categorical data. The categories will be made unique and sorted if they are not already. E.g. {'column_name': ['a', 'b'], 'other_column': ['c', 'd']} rasterize_function: function, optional Function to rasterize geometries. Other options are available in `geocube.rasterize`. Default is :func:`geocube.rasterize.rasterize_image`. Returns -------- :obj:`xarray.Dataset`: Requested data in a :obj:`xarray.Dataset`. """ geobox_maker = GeoBoxMaker(output_crs, resolution, align, geom, like) return VectorToCube( vector_data=vector_data, geobox_maker=geobox_maker, fill=fill, categorical_enums=categorical_enums, measurements=measurements, group_by=group_by, datetime_measurements=datetime_measurements, ).make_geocube( interpolate_na_method=interpolate_na_method, rasterize_function=rasterize_function, )