History ======= Latest ------ 0.5.2 ------ - BUG: Recalc transform when vectorizing (issue #165) 0.5.1 ------ - Add default value in vectorize when dataarray has no name, and a warning (pull #166) 0.5.0 ------ - BUG: Ignore categorical columns not in measurements (pull #161) - ENH: Read subset of measurements for efficiency (pull #161) 0.4.3 ------- - DEP: Support Python 3.10+ (pull #156) - BUG: Update minimize dtype for int64 & int8 support (issue #139) - BUG: Support pandas IntegerArray (pull #158) 0.4.2 ------- - BUG: Fix conversion to datetime64[ns] for naive datetimes (pull #145) 0.4.1 ------- - BUG: Fix conversion to datetime64[ns] (pull #143) - BUG: Fix :func:`geocube.vector.vectorize` when nodata is None (pull #142) 0.4.0 ------- - DEP: Drop Python 3.8 Support (issue #136) - ENH: Add :func:`geocube.vector.vectorize` (issue #65) 0.3.3 ------ - BUG: Allow resolution in list format (pull #122) 0.3.2 ------ - MNT: corrections to setup.cfg; use "pytest"; add "make dist" target (pull #111) - BUG: Write transform on output dataset (pull #112) 0.3.1 ------ - TYPE: Modified NDArray import for typing (pull #106) 0.3.0 ------- - BUG: Handle input CRS without EPSG (pull #105) - TYPE: Added type hints (pull #101) 0.2.0 ------- - DEP: Replace datacube with odc-geo (issue #90) 0.1.2 ------ - BUG: Fix width and height order to the one used in rioxarray (issue #93) 0.1.1 ------- - DEP: Drop Python 3.7 Support (issue #86) - BUG: Updated logic to skip rasterizing strings for numpy 1.22+ (issue #88) 0.1.0 ------ - ENH: Minimize dtype when possible in `geocube.rasterize.rasterize_image` (issue #72) - REF: remove unnecessary shapely.geometry.mapping in rasterize_image (#80) - ENH: `vector_data` to read path-like objects (pull #81) 0.0.18 ------ - DEP: Explicitly add scipy as dependency (pull #75) 0.0.17 ------ - DEP: Python 3.7+ (#67) - REF: Write grid_mapping to encoding instead of attrs (#66) 0.0.16 ------ - BUG: Compatibility with rioxarray 0.3 (#57) 0.0.15 ------ - Address xarray & numpy deprecations (#43) 0.0.14 ------ - Add "all_touched" keyword argument to geocube.rasterize.rasterize_image (pull #40) 0.0.13 ------ - Address deprecation warnings from datacube and rioxarray (issue #29) 0.0.12 ------ - ENH: Added :func:`geocube.show_versions` and cli `geocube --show-versions` (pull #23) - Add compatibility between datacube and geopandas CRS versions (pull #24) 0.0.11 ------ - Drop Python 3.5 Support (issue #12) - ENH: Update to support geopandas with pyproj.CRS (pull #18) - BUG: Update timestamp handling to ensure correct format for dtype (pull #18) 0.0.10 ------ - Added filter_nan kwarg to filter out missing data when rasterizing (issue #9) - Change default fill value to NaN when rasterizing (pull #11) 0.0.9 ----- - Added `rescale` kwarg to `geocube.rasterize.rasterize_points_griddata`. (pull #8) - Removed `fillna(numpy.nan)` in `geocube.geo_utils.geobox.load_vector_data` as not necessary and for compatibility with `geopandas==0.6.0`. (pull #8) 0.0.8 ----- - Add merge algorithm option for rasterization (issue #5) - Drop Python 2 support (issue #6) 0.0.7 ----- - Remove geocube pin (pull #4) 0.0.6 ----- - Added additional methods for resampling points to a 2D grid (pull #3) 0.0.5 ----- - Fix converting to another projection to ensure bounds are correctly accounted for (pull #2)